Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

Diaper rashes in babies are an extremely common phenomenon all over the world. It is characterized by itchy, red patches on the part of your baby’s skin that is covered by the diaper. Diaper rashes treatment is extremely simple, and a number of remedies for diaper rash can be carried out at home with minimal effort and panic.

Babies and toddlers suffering from diaper rash tend to be uncomfortable, irritated and may even cry due to the itching sensations. It is important to have an immaculate diaper rash treatment process to ensure that it does not aggravate, reoccur or lead to infections.

In addition to some helpful and easy home remedies for diaper rashes, we will also help you with a quick guide on how you can conveniently prevent them in the future.

Before we move on to learning how to carry out diaper rash treatment at home, it is important for us to learn the causes and symptoms of baby diaper rash. Understanding the factors that lead to diaper rashes, and the signs that indicate your baby is suffering from diaper rashes can be a blessing in disguise for parents of newborn babies and can also be valuable information to share with other parents.

Baby Diaper Change

There are a few common causes of baby diaper rashes and they are certainly very easy to spot. Friction, skin infections, irritation through excrement, and even allergies are known to cause diaper rashes in newborn babies. Although they cannot always be completely avoided, diaper rash treatment at home is very easy to carry out.

1. Friction

There are a lot of kinds of friction that can cause diaper rashes in babies. Even the most slightly aggressive diaper changing technique, a diaper that is a little too tight or possibly chafing can cause diaper rashes.

A constant friction between the diaper and the baby’s skin can develop into a rash, and must always be tended to. Make sure the baby’s diaper changing routine is carried out gently with only the best materials such as alcohol-free baby wipes, and most of all, a soft and super absorbent diaper. This alleviates any friction on their soft skin and reduces the chances of baby diaper rashes.

2. Skin Infection

Baby diaper rashes due to skin infection can be of two kinds; bacterial or fungal and can both be detrimental for the baby’s health. In such cases, you must seek the help of a paediatrician immediately instead of opting for natural remedies for diaper rashes.

Skin infections occur mainly due to contact with urine or faecal matter for prolonged periods of time. This is why diapers must always be inspected and changed from time to time. Not only do prolonged contact with urine and faeces increase the possibility of a bacterial or fungal skin infection, they are also skin irritants that can cause common baby diaper rashes.

3. Allergies

Babies have sensitive skin, far more sensitive than adults or even young children, and they can be sensitive to a variety of substances. Detergent, fragrant and/or alcohol-based baby wipes, lotions and even powders react differently with all babies’ skin.

Avoid using products that are not baby-friendly and have been known to be incompatible with their skin. If you still spot any signs of diaper rashes, stay on the lookout for an allergic reaction to the type of products mentioned above.

4. Tight Diapers

Not only do tight diapers generate friction to cause rashes, they also tend to create an environment that allows bacteria/fungus to fester in the soiled diapers. Always ensure that your baby’s diapers are snug, but not too tight. You must also always make sure that your baby does not spend too much time in a soiled diaper.

Diapers should be inspected and changed periodically, with a comprehensive understanding on when it is okay to change your baby’s diaper. It is also important to pick the right size of diapers for your ever growing babies. Follow out list of instructions on choosing the right diaper size for your baby to avoid any such instances and mishaps.

5. Poor Diet

For newborn children, there is no better nourishment and nutrition than breastmilk. For toddlers that are being weaned off breastmilk, pay close attention to foods that aggravate the sensitivity of your baby’s skin making it susceptible to diaper rashes. Here’s all you need to know about breastfeeding your baby.

Fatty and sugary foods are the ones to avoid if your baby is suffering from diaper rash, or has been known to suffer from it repeatedly.

These are the major and most common causes of baby diaper rashes. Now let us move on to understand the simple and helpful home remedies for diaper rash in babies that can help a parent breathe easy and rest assured.

Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

Baby Playtime

In addition to vigilantly changing diapers for your baby, and ensuring they don’t spend too much time in soiled diapers, these are the tips and instructions you must follow in order to treat any mild cases of diapers rashes at home.

  1. Use ointments and jellies such as Vaseline, or other special creams that are made for the baby’s sensitive skin. This is one of the most important home remedies for baby rash that you can practice. Apply a thin layer of these before every diaper change to minimize any friction.

  2. Always ensure cleaning and washing your baby’s cloth diapers with mild detergent. Rinse them thoroughly, at least 2-3 times to ensure there is no leftover detergent in them. Using disposable diapers such as Pampers Premium Care diapers ensures maximum hygiene and exceptional skin comfort for your baby.

  3. Give your baby a few hours a day to go diaper-free. This allows their skin to breathe and remain dry without being in contact with any sort of fabric, facilitating self-healing. Always avoid dressing your baby in tight clothes that retain heat and restrict their skin from breathing such as clothes made of synthetic materials, rubber and plastic.

  4. Avoid rubbing your baby’s skin to dry it and always pat it dry. Rubbing leads to friction and can cause or even worsen diaper rashes.

  5. Make sure you bathe your baby with warm water, using an unscented, mild and baby-friendly soap.

If the problem still persists up to 2-3 days in spite of carrying out these helpful home remedies for diaper rash in babies, you must always consult a qualified paediatrician. Watch out for fever, pus or any sort of discharge, swelling or peeling of the skin as these are instances where you must immediately seek professional help.

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