How to Make Tummy Time Fun for Newborns

As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life. Two of the most important ways to make that happen are to ensure proper nutrition for them and engage them in a variety of fun and effective infant exercises. Exercising at an early age supports the child’s early development and promotes their overall well-being.

In this article, we will explore the importance of infant workouts and safety precautions and provide you with 15 genius infant exercises that are fun and effective.

Play is important to your baby's development. It's a fun way to help your baby understand and interact with the world around him. So start playing simple games and try new things as your baby grows as it will add to the overall development of your baby. Take a look at our baby development chart & keep a track of your baby's growth.

“I found that some of the best ways to play with my baby were things that I already naturally did. Like lots of talking, singing, swaying. Or giving him something new to look at or feel.”

Bianca, mum of Paolo, 3 months

How to do Tummy Time: Games for Babies

Tummy time for newborns is crucial for their development as it plays an important role in strengthening the baby’s neck, shoulder, arm and back muscles. It also helps prevent the baby from flathead syndrome by giving the back of the neck a break from the constant pressure.

You can make tummy time for newborns interesting by engaging them in games and fun activities. Here are a few ways you can make tummy time interesting for your baby:

  • Sing and sway to different kinds of music. Babies love hearing your voice.

  • Slowly move brightly coloured objects back and forth and let them follow you with their eyes. Babies eyes are learning to see shapes, colours and movement.

  • Let them feel different textured objects – like felt, leather and cotton – and watch their curious reactions.

  • Make tummy time for newborns fun by lying on the floor with your little one and playing peekaboo in the mirror... you're guaranteed to get a smile.

  • Introduce them to textured objects like fabric, fur or leather and watch their reactions.

  • You can surely win their smiles by lying with your baby during tummy time for your newborn and playing peek-a-boo with them.

Baby Safety First

Use toys for tummy time made of soft materials. Avoid sharp, blunt and small objects that a baby can swallow along with baby-proofing your room to avoid any hassle. Here are a few tips to help baby proof house the right way.

Also, find out importance of tummy time here.

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Importance of exercise for baby

Exercising isn’t exclusive for adults. It can offer a plethora of benefits to infants as well. Engaging your baby in physical activities helps with their motor skills, muscle development, coordination, and even cognitive growth. Regular infant workouts are also known to improve their sleep cycle and mood.

Safety considerations while performing baby exercises

Always pay attention to your baby when they are exercising

Make sure that the area around them while exercising is safe

If they are using any toys or equipment during infant workouts, make sure they are safe and soft

When giving the baby tummy time, keep them away from sharp or small objects that they can accidentally swallow

Always check with your paediatrician before starting any infant exercise routine

If the baby shows any signs of discomfort or fatigue, stop immediately

15 Exercises for Infant Workout

1. Reach And Grab

Place toys around your baby to encourage reaching and grabbing. This helps the baby get more comfortable with open hands which is crucial for crawling.

2. Bicycle Legs

Lay the baby on their back on a soft surface and gently move their legs in a bicycling motion. This will help with digestion and hip mobility.

3. Assisted Crawling

Fold a towel lengthwise and place your baby on top, tummy facing downwards. Now lift their chest and belly off the ground while their arms and legs dangle. This helps them get used to crawling motions and you can gradually reduce support as they improve.

4. Leg Stretch

Lay your baby on their back and bring their toes to their nose to stretch their legs and improve flexibility.

5. Football Hold

Place your baby on your arm facing with their tummy facing downwards. Ensure that the arm fully supports the baby’s chest and belly. As the baby looks downward and all-around, their neck muscles get stronger.

6. Peanut Ball Exercise

A Peanut Ball is an exercise ball shaped like a peanut. Hold the baby on top of the peanut ball with the belly facing downwards. Now roll the baby backward and forward while holding them. This allows them to get used to their neck and hands up.

7. Bounce Baby

Sit the baby on your lap and encourage them to bounce with their feet on your legs. Hold the bay’s hand for support. This will engage their core and help them gain strength and balance.

8. Cruising

Have your baby hold onto a sturdy piece of furniture with one hand while you hold on to the other. The baby will gain confidence to stand on their own and even learn to walk independently.

9. Catch The Toy

Tie a small, soft toy to a brightly coloured ribbon and dangle it in front of the baby. As the baby moves to grab it, it will help them learn to balance and enhance their hand-eye coordination.

10.Bubble Play

Blow bubbles and encourage your baby to track and reach for them. As they reach out and try to pop the bubbles, their motor skills will be enhanced.


Place the child on their tummy and forearms, bend one leg, and encourage them to push forward by straightening the bent leg and using their arms. Use a favourite toy for motivation; this activity helps the child explore their surroundings, change movement direction, and reach for objects.

12.Side Lying

Place your baby on their side to encourage them to roll on their own. This will also strengthen their side muscles.


Hold the baby on your forearm with their tummy facing downwards. Now gently rock them from side to side to strengthen their core.

14.Supported Standing

Hold the baby upright with their feet on the floor. This will gradually help them practice bearing their own weight.


Support your baby's head and shoulders and gently pull them into a sitting position. This will engage and strengthen their abdominal muscles.

Incorporating exercises for newborns into daily routine

Being consistent with infant exercises is important. However, it is understandable if you cannot set a dedicated time for your infant’s exercise. On those busy days, you can still make sure that your baby gets the movement they need. Here are some tips you can use to ensure that your newborn gets exercise even on busy days.

  • Combine the time spent during diaper changes with tummy time for your newborn. Place your baby on their tummy on a soft blanket on the dressing table.

  • Incorporate gentle infant exercises while bathing your baby.

  • Place a mirror in front of your baby during tummy time to keep them engaged.

  • If your baby enjoys riding in a car, move their arms and legs in circular motions gently while in the car seat.

  • Carrying your baby in a sling or carrier can help strengthen their core and neck muscles.


Incorporating these simple 15 infant exercises in your baby’s routine can play a role in boosting their physical and cognitive development. Just make sure to keep the infant workouts fun and safe. Always consult your paediatrician before starting a new infant workout routine to ensure your baby’s safety.

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