Shopping with children or babies

Sometimes shopping with your baby can be an enjoyable experience. Other times it's a hellish disaster with you and your baby close to tears. Trade in temper tantrums for smiles and good times with these simple tips.

Take care of business

Make sure that your baby has a clean nappy before leaving home so that you can reduce – or avoid – the number of trips to the changing station while shopping.

Time your trip wisely

Head shopping when your baby is well-rested, well-fed and in a good mood. Make a note of when your shop is at its busiest and avoid shopping during those hours.

Pack a bag of tricks

Bring a dummy or a toy with you in case your baby gets restless. Don't forget to talk to your baby as you move around the shop; an engaging 'conversation' is sometimes all she needs to keep happy and occupied.

Make a list

Knowing what you need before you enter the shop will keep your shopping trip organised and concise. You'll also save money by sticking with must-have items rather than filling your trolley with impulse buys.

Get to know the shop

The better you know the layout of your shop, the faster you'll be able to do your shopping. Nothing eats up time and patience like roaming around trying to find an ingredient or two. Don't be afraid to ask for help in finding the right aisle to complete your list

Attitude is everything

Babies love to emulate their parents. If you go into the shopping trip feeling stressed, your baby might be more restless and unhappy. Have a positive attitude, and your little one (and you!) may end up loving your shopping trips together.