300+ God Hanuman Names with Meanings


Selecting a name for your baby is a decision filled with love and meaning. Baby names inspired by Lord Hanuman, the revered deity known for his unparalleled strength, devotion, and courage, offer a profound way to connect with these powerful virtues. Lord Hanuman, a central figure in Hindu mythology, embodies loyalty, wisdom, and protection. Choosing a name inspired by him not only honours these qualities but also brings a sense of divine protection and resilience to your child’s life. For parents seeking a name that reflects strength and spiritual significance, baby names inspired by Lord Hanuman are a timeless and inspiring choice.

HanumanThe name of the mighty monkey god.
AnjaneyaSon of Anjana.
MarutiSon of Marut (Wind God).
BajrangOne who has a strong body as iron.
PavanputraSon of the wind god.
Kesari NandanSon of Kesari.
MahaviraThe great hero.
RamabhaktaDevotee of Lord Rama.
Anjani PutraSon of Anjani.
MahakayaGigantic body.
KapeeshwaraLord of the monkeys.
VayuputraSon of the wind god.
BalarkaBrilliant like the rising sun.
BhimarupaHaving a gigantic form.
KesharinandanSon of Kesari.
KumarThe boy.
LalbahadurRespected as a child.
ManojavaSwift as the mind.
MahatejaseMost radiant.
RamadhutaMessenger of Lord Rama.
RudraveeryaBorn of the essence of Rudra (Shiva).
SarvabandhavimoktreDestroyer of all bonds.
Sankat MochanReliever of suffering.
ShooraThe brave one.
VajrakayaSturdy like thunderbolt.
YogavinamritaDweller of yogic nectar.
BhavishyaFuture; representing foresight.
BrahmachariPracticing celibacy.
DheeraBrave and bold.
JitendriyaController of senses.
MahamantraThe great mantra.
MahatapaGreat austerity.
MantraSacred chant.
MayuravahanaOne who rides a peacock.
NareshKing of men.
NishkalaWithout parts, complete.
OjasvinFull of vitality.
PranaLife force.
RajarshiRoyal sage.
RamaviraHero of Lord Rama.
RudrabhaktaDevotee of Lord Rudra (Shiva).
SarvagunaPossessor of all virtues.
SarvatmanProtector of all beings.
ShrinivasaAbode of wealth.
ShripatiLord of prosperity.
SuparnaHaving beautiful wings.
VajrapaniHolder of the thunderbolt.
VaradaGranter of boons.
VashikaraOne who subdues.
VidyadharaBearer of knowledge.
AdhyakshaSupreme ruler.
AmrithaImmortal nectar.
AshviniSwift as a horse.
BaladharaSupporter of strength.
BhoomijaSon of the Earth.
ChinmayaEmbodiment of knowledge.
DattatreyaA sage.
DhanvantriPhysician of the gods.
GaneshaLord of the ganas.
GarudaDivine eagle.
GopalaProtector of cows.
GovindaLord of the senses.
HariRemover of sins.
IndraKing of the gods.
IshwaraSupreme lord.
KailasaAbode of Shiva.
KartikeyaSon of Shiva.
LakshmiGoddess of wealth.
LingaSymbol of Shiva.
MadhavaSweet like honey.
ManuThe first man.
MurariEnemy of Mura.
NandiBull, vehicle of Shiva.
NaradaDivine sage.
NatarajaKing of dance.
ParameshwaraSupreme god.
ParashuramaRama with an axe.
PrajapatiLord of creatures.
RaghavendraDescendant of Raghu.
RavanaDemon king.
SankaraGiver of joy.
SaraswatiGoddess of knowledge.
SiddharthaOne who has achieved his goals.
SubramanyaSon of Shiva.
UmaGoddess Parvati.
UpendraBrother of Indra.
VarunaGod of water.
VasudevaFather of Krishna.
VibhishanaBrother of Ravana.
YamunaSacred river.
YudhishthiraSteadfast in war.
AjitavanaOne who has an unconquerable forest; symbolizing Hanuman's invincible nature.
AmitvikramaOf immeasurable valor.
ChiranjeeviniPossessing immortality.
DamanOne who controls or subdues evil forces.
GadadharaBearer of the mace.
KapeeshwaraLord of the monkeys, another name for Hanuman.
ManomayaOne who is swift as the mind.
PrasannatmaneWith a cheerful soul.
ShrutipradhaBestower of knowledge and wisdom.
SuparshvaHaving a beautiful back, symbolic of strength and protection.
UrdhvagatiOne who moves upwards, representing spiritual elevation.
VaibhavapradayakaGranter of glory and wealth.
VibhatkarOne who creates light.
VikatakaviWitty and sharp poet.
VishrantatmaOne who is content and serene within.
YogacharyaMaster of yoga and meditation.
BalavantaFull of strength.
BhutapratyadhivasaOne who dwells in every being.
DharmavatsalaProtector of righteousness.
KumarapriyaBeloved of young ones.
LokakarmakriyaPerformer of tasks for the world’s benefit.
MantradharaHolder of sacred mantras.
NabhomaniJewel of the sky, symbolizing his divine nature.
SukshmavikramaSubtle yet powerful in deeds.
TejomayaFull of radiance.
YajnashikhaFlame of sacrifice, symbolizing purity and devotion.
AmoghavikramaOf unfailing valor.
BhishmaOne who is fearsome to evil.
GadadharaWielder of the mace, a weapon of strength.
JyotirvikramaOne who radiates light through his deeds.
KapikulaLeader of the monkey clan.
KesharivahanaVehicle of a lion, representing strength.
LaghimaOne who possesses lightness or speed.
MahadhyutaOf great splendor.
MahatpataOne who saves from great danger.
NamadharakaBearer of the sacred name.
PratibhaFull of intelligence and brilliance.
SahasranetraOne with a thousand eyes, symbolizing omnipresence.
SarvajanaOne who knows everything.
ShubhankaraOne who does auspicious deeds.
SiddhapriyaBeloved of accomplished beings.
TapasvinOne who performs austerities.
TatvadharaHolder of truth.
TrikalaKnower of past, present, and future.
VajraHard as a diamond.
VatsalyaFull of parental love and affection.
VishuddhaPure and untainted
AkhileshLord of the universe; symbolizing Hanuman's omnipresence.
AlokLight; representing the illumination of wisdom and courage.
AmanPeace; symbolizing the tranquility that comes with devotion.
BharadwajA revered sage; reflecting Hanuman's association with great wisdom.
BhavaFeeling or emotion; symbolizing the depth of devotion and connection.
ChandrakantBeloved of the moon; symbolizing purity and grace.
ChandreshLord of the moon; reflecting Hanuman's divine and calm nature.
DeepakLamp or light; representing the guidance Hanuman provides.
DurgaapriyaBeloved of Goddess Durga; symbolizing strength and protection.
GauravHonor; representing the respect Hanuman commands.
GirishLord of the mountains; symbolizing Hanuman's strength and stability.
HarshadOne who brings joy; reflecting the happiness Hanuman brings.
HiteshLord of goodness; symbolizing Hanuman's benevolent nature.
JagannathLord of the universe; reflecting Hanuman's cosmic importance.
JitendraConqueror of senses; representing Hanuman's control over desires.
KaladharBearer of the celestial weapon; symbolizing Hanuman's strength.
KanakGold; symbolizing Hanuman's value and preciousness.
KeshavAnother name for Krishna; symbolizing Hanuman’s devotion to divine figures.
KumaraswamyLord of the youth; reflecting Hanuman's youthful energy.
MadhurSweet; representing Hanuman's gentle and loving nature.
MaheshGreat lord; symbolizing Hanuman's supreme power and presence.
ManindraLord of the mind; representing Hanuman’s wisdom and mental strength.
MitraFriend; symbolizing Hanuman’s role as a loyal companion.
NandkishoreJoyful child; reflecting Hanuman's playful nature.
NarendraKing of men; symbolizing Hanuman's leadership qualities.
OmprakashLight of the divine; representing Hanuman's divine illumination.
ParameshSupreme lord; reflecting Hanuman's high divine status.
PritamBeloved; symbolizing the deep affection and love Hanuman has for devotees.
RaghunandanDescendant of the Raghu dynasty; reflecting Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama.
RanjitVictorious; symbolizing Hanuman's triumph over challenges.
RaviSun; representing Hanuman's radiant and energizing nature.
RishabhBull; symbolizing strength and perseverance.
RukminiGoddess; reflecting Hanuman’s reverence for the divine feminine.
SamirAir or breeze; symbolizing Hanuman's swiftness and agility.
SandeepLight; representing the enlightenment Hanuman provides.
SanjayVictorious; symbolizing Hanuman's success in his endeavors.
SanjivReviver; reflecting Hanuman's role in reviving hope and strength.
SarvendraLord of all beings; symbolizing Hanuman’s universal significance.
SatyajitConqueror of truth; representing Hanuman's commitment to righteousness.
ShailendraKing of mountains; symbolizing Hanuman’s immovable strength.
ShashiMoonlight; representing Hanuman's calming presence.
ShivendraLord of Shiva; reflecting Hanuman's association with divine power.
ShyamDark; representing the depth of Hanuman’s devotion and power.
SiddharthaOne who has attained his goals; symbolizing Hanuman’s spiritual achievements.
SubhashAuspicious speech; reflecting Hanuman’s role in divine communication.
SudhirResolute; symbolizing Hanuman’s steadfastness in his duties.
SumanFlower; representing the beauty and purity of Hanuman’s attributes.
SuryaprakashLight of the sun; symbolizing Hanuman’s radiant energy.
YogeshLord of yoga; reflecting Hanuman’s mastery of spiritual disciplines.
AchyutImperishable; reflecting Hanuman's eternal nature.
AvirajRadiant; symbolizing Hanuman's divine brilliance.
BhagavanBlessed one; representing Hanuman’s revered status.
ChandranathLord of the moon; symbolizing calm and tranquility.
CharudattaOne who is given to beautiful things; reflecting Hanuman’s refined nature.
DarshanVision; representing the divine vision Hanuman offers.
DevarajKing of the gods; symbolizing Hanuman’s divine authority.
DevendraKing of the gods; reflecting Hanuman’s supreme position.
DhanushBow; representing strength and readiness for battle.
DivyanshuDivine light; symbolizing Hanuman's purity and radiance.
EkadashiOne who is pure and holy; reflecting Hanuman's sacredness.
GadadharaHolder of the mace; symbolizing Hanuman's strength and power.
GanapatiLord of the multitudes; representing Hanuman's leadership.
GaurinandanSon of Goddess Gauri; symbolizing divine lineage.
HimalayaAbode of snow; reflecting Hanuman's strength and endurance.
IndrajitConqueror of Indra; symbolizing Hanuman's triumph over challenges.
JitendraConqueror of the senses; representing Hanuman's control over desires.
KapaliniOne with a radiant forehead; symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.
KartikSon of Lord Shiva; reflecting Hanuman's association with divine figures.
KeshavapriyaBeloved of Keshava (Krishna); symbolizing Hanuman’s devotion.
KrithivasaOne who resides in the actions; representing Hanuman's active nature.
LalitCharming; reflecting Hanuman's endearing qualities.
MadhusudanaSlayer of Madhu; symbolizing Hanuman's role in divine battles.
MahadhyutiOne with great radiance; representing Hanuman’s divine light.
MaheshvaraGreat lord; symbolizing Hanuman’s supreme authority.
ManojBorn of the mind; reflecting Hanuman’s mental strength.
MatsyapriyaLover of fish; symbolizing Hanuman's varied aspects.
NandiniDelightful; representing Hanuman's joyful nature.
OjasvinFull of vitality; symbolizing Hanuman's energetic nature.
RaghunandanDescendant of the Raghu dynasty; representing Hanuman’s connection to Lord Rama.
RajivLotus; reflecting purity and divine origin.
RavindraLord of the sun; symbolizing Hanuman’s radiant power.
RishabhBull; representing strength and perseverance.
RohitRed; symbolizing energy and vitality.
AadityaSun; symbolizing the radiant and powerful nature of Hanuman.
AnandaprasadBestower of joy; reflecting Hanuman's role in bringing happiness.
ArjunapriyaBeloved of Arjuna; symbolizing Hanuman's connection with divine heroes.
ChandrakantBeloved of the moon; representing Hanuman’s serene and calming influence.
DarshanakariOne who provides divine vision; reflecting Hanuman’s spiritual insight.
DushyantOne who destroys enemies; representing Hanuman’s role as a protector.
GokulnathLord of Gokul; reflecting Hanuman’s divine and protective nature.
HaritakshaOne with green eyes; symbolizing Hanuman’s unique and divine gaze.
JanardanProtector of the people; representing Hanuman’s role as a guardian.
JeevadharaSustainer of life; reflecting Hanuman’s role in preserving life and energy.
KamakshiOne with eyes full of desire; symbolizing Hanuman’s deep devotion.
KshamaswamyLord of forgiveness; representing Hanuman's forgiving nature.
KshatriyaWarrior; symbolizing Hanuman’s valor and courage.
MahavishnuGreat Vishnu; reflecting Hanuman’s association with the divine.
ManimayaEmbellished with jewels; representing Hanuman’s value and purity.
MithunPair; symbolizing Hanuman’s companionship and loyalty.
NarayanswamyLord Narayana; reflecting Hanuman’s divine association.
PadmanabhOne with a lotus navel; representing Hanuman’s divine purity.
RamakrishnaBeloved of Rama and Krishna; symbolizing Hanuman’s devotion to deities.
RameshwarLord of Rama; reflecting Hanuman’s supreme devotion.
RanganathLord of the divine stage; representing Hanuman's role in divine plays.
RathnakarJewel of a chariot; symbolizing Hanuman’s valuable and unique nature.
RudraprasadGrace of Rudra; reflecting Hanuman’s association with Lord Shiva.
SahasranamaOne with a thousand names; representing Hanuman’s many divine attributes.


Choosing a baby name inspired by Lord Hanuman imparts a sense of strength, devotion, and wisdom, qualities deeply rooted in the deity’s legacy. These names carry with them the blessings of Lord Hanuman, offering your child a name rich in cultural significance and spiritual depth. As you embark on this journey of naming your child, consider the profound impact that a name inspired by Lord Hanuman can have, serving as a lifelong source of inspiration and guidance. In embracing such a name, you provide your child with not just an identity but also a powerful connection to divine virtues that will guide them throughout their life.

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