Foods to Eat During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby
We’re sure you’ve heard people tell expectant mothers to eat more because they’re ‘eating for two’. While it is true that your body needs some extra nutrients when you’re pregnant, it’s important not to overdo it. In order to get all the nutrition you need without overeating, let’s take a look at the kind of food for baby growth during pregnancy that you should add to your diet:
1. Foods to Eat During Pregnancy for a Smart Baby
Amazingly, there are a few studies that show the impact certain foods have on your unborn baby’s intelligence. These are the top three foods to eat during pregnancy to make baby smart: i) Fatty Fish – The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish are integral to your baby’s brain development. Salmon and oysters are rich in omega-3 acids, making them ideal baby brain development food during pregnancy. ii) Leafy Veggies – A rich source of folic acid, greens like spinach will protect your baby’s brain from tissue damage. Vegetables that have a high folic acid content can also reduce your baby’s risk of neural tube defects, various heart defects, and cleft lip. iii) Blueberries – Known for their antioxidant properties, blueberries can aid your baby’s cognitive development. Other antioxidant-rich foods to eat during pregnancy to make baby smart include strawberries, tomatoes, blackberries, and raspberries.
2. Food to Eat During Pregnancy to Gain Foetal Weight
When you’re doing your research on food for baby growth during pregnancy, you will stumble across ingredients that help your growing foetus gain the required weight for healthy development. Here’s a look at the baby weight gain food during pregnancy that you should be eating: i) Milk – Apart from supplying your body with the calcium it requires, milk also provides your growing baby with proteins and calcium. If you don’t want to drink plain milk, you can consume this baby weight gain food during pregnancy in milk shakes or with breakfast cereals. ii) Sprouts – Rich in iron, sprouts like black chana and moong are a must in your prenatal diet. Eating sprouts will also increase your intake of vitamins like niacin, thiamine, vitamin C and riboflavin, making it a crucial food for baby growth during pregnancy. iii) Legumes – You need at least two servings of legumes per day if you want to get the necessary proteins, iron, fibre and folic acid required to aid your baby’s development. Know more about foods that will increase your baby’s weight in third trimester. If you’re in your early stage in your pregnancy, a simple pregnancy diet chart will guide you towards healthy pregnancy.
3. Foods to Eat During Pregnancy for Healthy Skin
For your baby’s glowing skin, let’s take a look at what kind of food you need to add to your meal plan: i) Cherries and Berries – Rich in antioxidants, fruits like cherries, strawberries and blueberries can prevent any damage that free radicals may cause to your baby’s skin. ii) Deep Sea Fatty Fish – Fatty fish shouldn’t just be thought of as a baby brain development food during pregnancy. The omega-3 fatty acids from these fish will also help maintain your baby’s skin elasticity. iii) Tomatoes – Tomato skin contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect yours and your baby’s skin from harmful UV rays. Tomatoes will also boost your baby’s immunity, so you should definitely incorporate them in your meals.
During your pregnancy it’s vital that you eat foods that you like and enjoy as well. Don’t deny your body of any cravings, but remember that moderation is key. To ensure that your baby’s growth is on the right track, you need to consume a nutritious and balanced diet. From week by week expert tips on pregnancy calendar to new born baby care tips, Pampers India is here to guide you through the amazing journey of early parenthood. Learn more about us, our baby diaper products & commitment to you.