Understand Premature Water Breaking and Its Causes

Congratulations! You have almost reached the end of your pregnancy. If you are 38 weeks pregnant and worrying about your water breaking at this stage, then let us help clear your doubts once and for all.

When the water breaks

Your baby is sheltered inside a fluid-filled sac in the womb to protect it from jerks. The fluid is known as amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is a clear water-like liquid with a tinge of pale yellow or pink. After the mother experiences contractions at the time of labour, the membrane of the sac ruptures and the fluid comes out. This is when your water breaks during pregnancy.

When the sac breaks, some women experience a gush of fluid rushing out from their vagina while others may experience dampness due to constant leaking from the vagina. Some women also hear a pop sound when the membrane ruptures.

Premature water breaking

When water breaks before the onset of labour, it is known as premature rupture of membrane (PROM). PROM is a condition that may occur after a woman attains full-term, which is after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Only 10 percent of pregnant women experience PROM. If the water breaking happens even before the full-term then it is known as preterm PROM, which is seen in just 2 percent of pregnant women. Read more about premature labour , so that you know some of the signs to look out for.

Causes of premature water breaking

A number of factors may cause premature water break during the 38th week of pregnancy. Some of the causes of PROM are:

  • Infection in the vagina, cervix, kidney, bladder, or uterus

  • Pressure on the amniotic sac due to twins, excess fluid, or a large baby

  • Bacterial infection

  • Poor diet (for more advice on this, read about how to keep a healthy pregnancy diet )

  • Dehydration

  • Unhealthy lifestyle practices like smoking, drinking, or drugs

  • Early history of PROM or preterm PROM

  • Prior surgeries or biopsy on the cervical region or uterus

  • Uterus development defects

  • Early activation of membrane enzymes

  • False contractions

  • External damage like a car accident

How to deal with premature water breaking

If the amniotic sac ruptures when you're 38 weeks pregnant , you should consult your doctor immediately. Usually, the doctor will recommend you wear a maternity pad and wait for 24 hours to let the labour begin naturally. Waiting longer increases the risk of your baby getting an infection. The doctor may suggest a labour induction post 24 hours.

Pampers India will always give you the right advice and help you during your pregnancy. Pampers believes that a baby becomes healthy only when the mother is healthy. For more pregnancy health-related information, check out the website now

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