38 Weeks Pregnant: Preparing For Labour & Final Baby Developments
38 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Any day now. At 38 weeks pregnant, your baby is now considered to be full-term, even though your official due date is still two weeks away. Eighty-five percent of babies are born within two weeks of their due date, so you'll probably give birth sometime in the next four weeks.
Surface changes. Your baby is shedding lanugo, the fine hair that's covered his body for months. He may have some of it left on his shoulders, forehead, and neck when he's born. He's also losing vernix, the creamy waxy substance that's protected his skin from the amniotic fluid.
Waste management. So what happens to the cast-off vernix and lanugo that is shed by the baby during 38th week of pregnancy? Some of it ends up in your baby's intestines, where it becomes part of the meconium. Meconium is the greenish-black, tarry substance that will make up your baby's first bowel movement after he's born. It also consists of dead cells, amniotic fluid, and waste products from your baby's liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.
Applying the brakes. During 38th week of pregnancy, your little one's growth rate may be slowing down, but he's still making strides.

38 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Water works. As your baby grows, she puts more and more pressure on your bladder. Despite it being squashed flat, you should keep drinking water to stay hydrated. This is one of the most common cause of frequent urination at 38 weeks pregnant.
Get into position. It's time to go over your notes from childbirth class and think about which labor positions you'd prefer. Some women want to stand through contractions, while some find that getting on their hands and knees helps. Others spend a lot of time in a rocking chair. It's helpful to practice the different positions during 38th week of pregnancy — you may not remember all your options when the big day comes.
The safe ride home. You need to install a rear-facing car seat so you can safely (and legally) transport your baby home from the hospital. Remember that only 5 percent of babies are born on their due date, so it's best to get this done well before that time.
38 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Keep drinking plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated during 38th week of pregnancy. Have a look at some of the best ways to stay hydrated during pregnancy.
Work through the various labor positions you’d prefer
Install your baby's car seat so it's ready to go. Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!
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