35 weeks pregnant
35 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Got iron? At 35 weeks of pregnancy, your baby builds up iron stores by absorbing this crucial mineral from your body in this final trimester. The majority of the absorption takes place in the final months before delivery. So load up on iron-rich foods in your pregnancy diet during 35th week of pregnancy.
Heads or tails. The head-down, or vertex, position is ideal for birth. Labor goes more smoothly when the baby's head, the largest body part, comes through the birth canal first. If the baby's bottom appears first, the delivery is called a breech birth. Amazingly, despite the tight quarters in your uterus, your little acrobat may turn several more times before she's born.

35 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Cesareans in brief. A Cesarean birth is one in which the baby is delivered through a surgical incision in the mother's uterus. Odds are that you won't have the procedure, but it's good to be informed. Ask your doctor which circumstances he or she believes call for a Cesarean, and when he or she would perform the procedure.
The ABCs of GBS. Sometime between 35 weeks and 37 weeks of pregnancy, your healthcare provider may test you for the Group B streptococcus (GBS) bacterium. Although usually harmless to you, it can cause an infection in your baby during delivery. The test itself is simple: Your doctor takes a swab from your vagina or rectum, or tests a urine sample. If you test positive, you may receive antibiotics intravenously (through a vein in your arm) during labor and delivery.
35 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Discuss any pain medication options you’ll want during labor
Get tested for the Group B streptococcus (GBS) bacterium during 35th week of pregnancy.Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!
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