10 weeks pregnant
You are in the third month and at the end of your first trimester of pregnancy. Your baby is slowing taking shape now its size is that of a strawberry.
10 Weeks Pregnant Belly & Baby Development
Listen up: At 10 weeks pregnant, your little one's outer ears sit low on the head, but they'll move to the right spot as the head grows. Soon, your voice will be your little one's favourite sound.
The mouth has a delicate upper lid and the tiny nose has two tiny nostrils as well. Moreover, the heart is beating at a fast rate that could be 180bpm, thrice the speed of your heartbeat rate.
Vision quest: Your little one's eyes are also developing. The basic optical structure is in place and the eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes, which are still on either side of the head. Eyebrows are even beginning to grow in the 10th week of pregnancy.
The whole tooth: Your baby's first tooth won't break through the gums until several months after birth, but tiny tooth buds are already starting to form.

Ultrasound At The 10th Week Of Pregnancy
When you go for your 10 weeks pregnant ultrasound, your doctor might suggest some important tests. These would include non- invasive prenatal test which is a cell-free fetal DNA test or test to detect genetic diseases in your fetus. You might also be suggested to undergo Nuchal Translucency screening which is done to test your fetus for risk of Down syndrome or any chromosomal abnormalities.
In the 10 weeks pregnant ultrasound, you would notice that your baby's body parts are now visible more clearly. Your baby at 10 week pregnant has started developing tissue and you can see his arms and legs forming. His toes and fingers have taken a distinct form and started developing fingernails as well.
The baby's organs have started functioning too. For example, his stomach is producing digestive juices and kidney is producing large quantities of urine.
10 Weeks Pregnancy Care:
Kick the caffeine habit: At 10 weeks pregnant, many healthcare providers recommend that you reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. It has no nutritional value, and it can make you (and possibly your little one) feel nervous. Caffeine can also contribute to dehydration since it's a diuretic (something that makes you urinate). If you must have your daily latte or soda, be sure to drink extra water to compensate for the loss of fluid. Have a look at how to maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy to provide your little one all the required nutrients.
Circulation information: At 10th week off of your pregnancy, your heart begins to pump more blood through your blood vessels. In fact, by 32 weeks, you'll have 40 to 50 per cent more blood in your body than before you were pregnant, sending much of it to the uterus and placenta. Taking steps now to improve your blood flow may help prevent varicose veins later in your pregnancy. Walking daily, lying on your left side, elevating your legs (with knees supported), and sitting without crossing your legs can all help prevent your circulation from getting sluggish. Know more about exercising tips for pregnant women to help improve blood circulation.
Pregnancy Symptoms At 10 Weeks Pregnant
Some 10 weeks pregnant symptoms could be
1. Extreme tiredness:
Now-a-days you might feel exhausted and a need to take a nap every time. It is because of the progesterone hormone in your body and also because your body is working hard to support your baby. Take adequate rest.
2. White milky discharge:
You might have more white milky discharge from your vagina which is perfectly normal. However, if there is some colour to it, or if it gets smelly, itchy or causes soreness, it would be advisable that you see your doctor.
3. Mood swings:
You would continue having mood swings wherein you experience a roller coaster of different emotions. It could be your pregnancy hormones influencing it. Be around your loved ones, chat with your friends or go watch a movie. Ensure that you keep yourself occupied
4. Round Ligament pain:
If you are suddenly feeling pain around your abdomen, this is because it is stretching to accommodate your baby. This sensation is called round ligament pain, which often goes unnoticed but is quite painful. Do light stretching exercise and gentle moments to get some relief. But if it is severe, consult your doctor.
One new 10 weeks pregnant symptoms could be darkened skin on your face or brown spots due to the hormonal changes. You might also feel your hair getting thicker and shinier and greasier and spotting skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. 10 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?
When you are 10 weeks pregnant you are in the 3rd month of your pregnancy and the gestational age of your fetus is 8 weeks.
2. What does fetus have at 10 weeks?
All the body parts of your fetus have developed at 10 weeks. It is growing and developing with each week. Bones and cartilages of your baby are starting to form this week. Your little one's knees and ankles are also shaping up.
3. Can you feel fetal movement at 10 weeks?
You might not start feeling your fetus till 13- 16 weeks. However, you would be able to feel its heartbeat and some flutter in your stomach.
Precautions & Tips At The 10th Week Of Pregnancy
Drink lots of water and fluids to keep you hydrated.
Eat food rich in antioxidants and food that gives you nutrients like calcium, folate, iron fiber and zinc. This pregnancy diet plan will help you provide all the required nutrients to mother & baby
Start slow exercises, without overexerting yourself and take adequate rest. These quick exercising tips for pregnant women[ can surely come to your rescue
It would be beneficial if you go for dentist appointment as often pregnancy hormones affect your oral health.
Shop for some new clothes that give your 10 weeks pregnant belly and breast enough space and air to breathe.
Buy some good footwear with enough padding to support your swelling feet.
Improve your blood flow by walking, elevating your legs, or by lying on your left side
Get plenty of sleep and rest. Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure the well-being of both you & your baby during the entire nine months journey!
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