When Do Babies Start Crawling?

As you watch your baby growing, learning, and becoming more independent, you may be excited to see your baby crawling. Although there's no definitive baby crawling age, it's helpful to know about different ways to encourage your little one to crawl rather than sitting back and wondering when does my baby start crawling.

One of the joys of parenting is to observe and help your baby master the new skill of crawling in his first year. The moment your little one crawls for the first time, it'll be the one you'll remember for a long time.

Continue reading to learn everything about the baby creeping and crawling – signs of crawling, baby crawling month, when do babies start crawling, different crawling styles, and what to do if your baby doesn't crawl as expected.

When Do Babies Crawl?

Many babies learn to crawl sometime between 7 months and 10 months. But as every baby is unique, your little one might be on the move earlier or later than others. Some babies skip the crawling stage altogether.

Keep in mind that all babies grow and develop at their own pace. Try not to compare your little one to other babies. If you're wondering whether your baby is on track, consult your doctor.

Signs That Your Baby Is Ready to Crawl

Before your baby can begin crawling, she'll need to develop a complex set of skills, all of which will help strengthen your baby's muscles in preparation for crawling.

These are some of the things you might notice your baby doing as she gets ready to start crawling:

  • You baby constantly moves while lying down

  • Your baby might arch her neck to look around while lying on her stomach during a supervised tummy time

  • Your baby grabs her feet while lying on her back

  • When you put her on her back on the floor, she turns, flips or rolls over on her stomach or vice versa

  • Your baby might get up on her knees and hands to rock back and forth

  • When your little one tries pushing or pulling herself with her arms backwards instead of forward while lying on her stomach

  • When she's digging in with her knees and launching forward when she's on her hands and feet

  • Your baby can sit up on her own and tries to reach out by dragging herself

  • Your baby can support herself on all fours and then begin rocking herself

  • Your baby cross crawls by moving one arm forward with the opposite leg.

At this point in your baby's development, crawling might not be too far off, so make sure you keep a watchful eye on her. Don't leave her unattended unless she is in a safe place like her crib.

If you haven't done so already, this is also a great time to babyproof your home. As part of this process, make sure that dangerous items are locked away and that furniture that can tip over is secure so that your little one can't get in harm's way once she can move independently.

What Are the Different Crawling Styles?

You might be surprised to learn that there is not just one way to crawl — but many! Here are some of the most common crawling styles your baby might adopt:

  • Classic crawl:

Your baby crawls on his hands and knees, moving one arm and the opposite knee forward simultaneously.

  • Bear crawl:

Your baby walks on his hands and feet, keeping his elbows and knees straight.

  • Belly crawl:

Your baby slithers around on his belly while moving forward

  • Bottom scoot:

Your baby moves forward using his arms while scooting on his bottom.

  • Crab crawl:

Your baby moves either backward or sideways with the help of his hands.

  • Rolling crawl:

Your baby moves around by rolling from one place to the next.

Your baby may use any one of these styles or even invent his own, so don't be worried if his crawling doesn't look like any of those listed above.

How to Teach Your Baby to Crawl?

Babies are eager to move and explore, and they essentially teach themselves to get where they want to go. To encourage your baby to start crawling, try these ideas:

  • Place one of your baby's favourite objects or toys just out of reach in front of her when she's on the floor to inspire her to start crawling toward it.

  • Set up an obstacle course for her with pillows, boxes, and other safe objects to help her practice and develop her abilities.

  • Encourage your baby to crawl toward one of her favourite objects by showing her that you've hidden it behind a pillow a little distance from where she is on the floor.

The aim of these exercises is to get your baby to be excited about learning to crawl and see it as a new adventure. If you feel she's starting to lose interest or is getting frustrated, it's time to stop and do something else.

Always supervise your baby when she's playing on the floor and when she's on her tummy.

What to Do When Your Baby Doesn’t Crawl as Expected?

Just like every other baby, your little one is developing at his own pace and on his own timeline. Try not to think in terms of "my baby should have started to crawl by now." Also, remember that your baby might not crawl exactly how you expect him to. Instead, he may use another way to get around, such as bottom scooting or belly crawling. Or he may skip crawling altogether.

Usually, there's no cause for concern as long as your baby is learning how to coordinate his arms and legs. His eventual goal is to learn how to walk, so try not to focus on how he's crawling in the meantime.

Of course, if you feel your baby is not moving properly, is unable to coordinate each side of his body, or is not using each arm and leg equally, talk to your doctor. And reach out to your doctor any time you have questions or concerns about your baby's development in general.


At around 8 months, many babies can sit up without support. However, all babies are different, so your little one might sit up unaided a little earlier or later.

Crawling enables your baby to see and explore the world in a new and different way. This will make him love the expanded freedom and mobility, preparing him for more and making him want to join in with everyone else who is walking. For your baby, crawling is a new adventure, and for you as a parent, your baby moving independently is a new adventure, too.

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