Linea Nigra: Understanding the Black Line on Your Belly During Pregnancy

When a woman grows a new life inside of her, her body goes through a beautiful cascade of changes, some expected and some surprising. Among the many transformations a woman's body undergoes, the appearance of a dark belly line during pregnancy can be particularly intriguing. This distinct, Linea Nigra line that appears on the belly is a hallmark of pregnancy for many women. But what exactly is this line on the stomach during pregnancy and why does it occur? 

This blog delves into everything you need to know about Linea Nigra, from its appearance to its cause. 

What is Linea Nigra? 

Linea Nigra is Latin for “black line”. It is a dark, vertical line that appears on the abdomen during pregnancy. It is also commonly referred to as the "pregnancy line" or "belly line during pregnancy”. The Linea Nigra line usually stretches from the pubic bone up to the belly button and sometimes even higher towards the rib cage. While it is most commonly associated with pregnancy, it can also be faintly visible in individuals who are not pregnant but often goes unnoticed. 

What does the Linea Nigra typically look like? 

The line on the stomach during pregnancy can vary in appearance from woman to woman. While the name suggests a stark black line, linea nigra line isn't truly black. It's usually a brown or dark brown line, ranging from a quarter to half an inch wide. The line is usually darker than the surrounding skin and can range in colour from light brown to almost black, depending on the individual's skin tone. It typically becomes more pronounced as the pregnancy progresses. 

What Causes Linea Nigra? 

Linea Nigra is a faint light line present in everybody’s abdomen but it only starts becoming prominent when it gets darker during pregnancy. Linea Nigra line and other types of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy are caused by a combination of placental hormones, metabolic influences and immunological factors.  

  • The amount of melanin production in the body is increased because of oestrogen, augmented by progesterone. 

  • Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its colour, so this hormonal shift leads to the darkening of the this line. 

  • Oestrogen stimulates the melanocytes to increase melanin production by activating intracellular oestrogen α- and β-receptors located in the skin.  

  • The placenta also generates bioactive sphingolipids that enhance the activity of melanogenic enzymes, including tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related proteins. 

When Do You Get The Linea Nigra Line? 

The belly line during pregnancy usually becomes noticeable during the second trimester, around the 5th month of pregnancy. However, the timing can vary. For some women, the line may appear earlier, while for others, it might not become visible until later in the pregnancy. It typically fades gradually after childbirth, although it may never completely disappear for some women. 


What Is the Purpose of Linea Nigra? 

While certain physical changes during pregnancy, like the growing breasts, have a biological purpose, the definitive purpose of belly lines during pregnancy is unknown.  

There is an old tale about the belly line during pregnancy, that it helps predict the sex of the baby. The old tale says that if the linea nigra starts below your belly button, you're expecting a girl and if it extends above your navel, you're having a boy. While it can be entertaining to guess, medical professionals share that there is no biological or scientific backing to this belief. 

Does it go away on its own? 

The disappearance of the linea nigra varies from person to person. While you might notice changes in your skin soon after giving birth, there's no definitive timeline for when the linea nigra will fade. As hormonal levels decrease and stabilise post-delivery, the belly line during pregnancy should start to fade after a few weeks or possibly, even months. However, it is important to note that in some cases, it can take up to a year or longer for the line to fade and for some, it may never completely disappear. 

There are no effective at-home remedies to eliminate the linea nigra during or after pregnancy. If it persists after childbirth, consulting a dermatologist may be beneficial. They might recommend a personalised course of treatment that can help fade the line. The appearance of this line on the stomach during pregnancy is nature’s gentle reminder that your body is capable of doing amazing things. 

What is the treatment for Linea Nigra? 

The line on the stomach during pregnancy usually does not require any treatment as it is a harmless condition. After childbirth, the line typically fades on its own over several months. If the pigmentation persists, various skin-lightening treatments and topical creams can be used but these treatment methods should only be performed upon a doctor’s recommendation, especially when breastfeeding. 

It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any treatment. Additionally, maintaining good skin care habits, such as using sunscreen, can help minimise further pigmentation. 


Linea Nigra is a common and natural occurrence linked to hormonal changes during pregnancy. While its exact purpose remains unclear, it is generally considered a benign and temporary change. Understanding the line on the stomach during pregnancy can help expectant mothers feel more at ease about the many changes their bodies undergo during this remarkable period of life. As with any concerns during pregnancy, discussing them with a healthcare provider can provide additional reassurance and guidance. 

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